Maykel Linares

Villa Clara, Cuba. 1979

Graduated in painting and drawing at the Academy of Plastic Arts Oscar Fernandez Morera. Trinidad, Cuba.” 2000″.

Throughout his life he has lived in different cities around the world, such as Brighton, Madrid, Havana or Miami. His work focuses on investigating the individual and collective memory of the modern citizen, nomad par excellence. In his work, the journey, as a metaphor, becomes a constant that runs through all his stages. He mainly uses painting and drawing as expressive media and at the same time explores and investigates the possibilities of these media, and their current scope.

Among his personal exhibitions we can highlight: “Elogio de la sombra”,(bipersonal Maikel Sotomayor-Maykel Linares) Casa Benito Juárez, Havana, Cuba, 2019. “Open estudio”, (bipersonal Ciro Beltran-Maykel Linares), collateral to the XIII Havana Biennial, Calle 18 entre 19 y 21, Vedado, Havana, Cuba 2019. “Jetlag”, Center for the Development of Visual Arts, Havana, Cuba, 2018. “Inventory Project”, Ludwig Foundation, Havana, Cuba, 2017. “September” raymaluz Art gallery, Madrid Spain, 2011. “Counterculture”, Museum of Jaen, Andalusia, Spain. 2011.


Maykel Linares

Villa Clara, Cuba. 1979

Su obra ha sido expuesta en numerosas exposiciones colectivas entre las que cabe destacar: “Asamble4”, Galería Taller Gorria, La Habana, Cuba, 2018. “El viaje más largo”, Centro de Artes escénicas, Tianqiao, Beijing, China,2018. “I came from everywhere and everywhere i go”, (part of Pacific Standart Time: LA/LA), Lois Lambert Gallery, Santa Monica, CA, USA, 2017. “Primera Revancha”, Pinta Miami, GE Galería (Booth 29). Mana Wynwood, Miami, USA, 2016. “Viceversa (N-S-E-O)”, Lloyds Register, La Habana, Cuba. 2016. “Art Karlsruhe 2016”, (Galeria Isabelle Lesmeister), Rheinstetten, Alemania, 2016. “Aires de Cuba”, Galería  de arte Artizar, La laguna, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, España, 2015. “Intersecciones”, Galeria Isabelle Lesmeister. Regensburg, Alemania,2015. “Intersections”, Gajah Gallery, Singapur. 2014. “Pintura Fresca 1”, Galeria Habana, La Habana, Cuba, 2014. “Memento Moris / Joie de Vivre”, Galería Servando Cabrera, La Habana, Cuba, 2013. “Reditus II”, raymaluz Art gallery, Madrid, España, 2012. “Casa//Arte 2012”, (raymaluz Art gallery), Madrid, España, 2012. “Senza Confini”, Palazzo Ducale, Genova, Italia, 2012. “Havana Open House”, (colateral a la XI Bienal de La Habana), La Habana, Cuba, 2012. “Art Moscow 2011”, Moscú, Rusia, 2011. “Tierra Firme”, Galería Luz y Suarez del Villar, Madrid, España, 2010. “Fresh 2010”, Berlín, Alemania, 2010. “Polimorfos Perversos”, Galería Fernando Pradilla, Madrid, España, 2010. “Art Madrid 2010”, Madrid, España, 2010. “Black Cuban Groove”, Palacio Diputación de Jaen, Jaen, España, 2009. “Lingua Franca”, Museo de Huelva, Huelva, España, 2009.


Su obra se encuentra en varias colecciones privadas, entre las que se destacan: Colección Caja Sol, España, Colección Pilar Citoler, España. Colección Luciano Méndez, España, O The Cuban Arts Group, Tampa, Flo, USA.