Born in Villafranca de los Barros, Badajoz. She studied Fine Arts in Salamanca and the Master of Art Research in Madrid, where she currently lives and works. Her work comes from an interest in how we manage the decorative in our homes and architecture. The urban material culture serves as a stimulus to create a work that crosses the memory and aesthetics of everyday life.
In her paintings and ceramics Paula reformulates the decorative and artistic patterns she finds in the street for more intimate and intrinsic ones that escape the eye. Disregarding the origin of the patterns, she uses them as her own material, with which she plays and changes it until the image returns to the organic, involving her own hands as a brush and clay and oil as tools that generate questions. From a particular aesthetic, her work reflects on the fiction of nature in ornament and how we assimilate it.
She has obtained several grants and awards such as: Art<35 Fundació Banc Sabadell 2018; Scholarships in production of graphic work AlfaraStudio, Salamanca 2016/2017; XVIII Certamen Jóvenes Creadores, Salamanca, Third prize Photography, 2018. In turn she has been selected to participate in different exhibitions: Invididuales: Otra Restitución, “Displaced” program at Hybrid Art Fair, Madrid, 2018; Presencias de Ausencias at Lemon y Coco, Cáceres, 2017; Colectivas: XXII Certamen Jóvenes Pintores, Fundación La Gaceta, Salamanca, 2018; The Host, Hybrid Festival at Hotel Petit Palace Savoy, Madrid, 2017; Alfara Studio 2016, Palacio de La Salina, Salamanca, 2017; Art’s/Art Sevilla 2016 (Stand UCM); Just Mad 7, COAM, Madrid. She has also been selected for artistic workshops such as: “Painting Workshop by Sangram Majundar”, UCM ; “Doblar la Tierra” with Javier Arce, Program A of the Community of Madrid; “Looking through the eyes of machine” with Paul Laidler, Espacio Ankaria UCM.