2 ABR, 2015 - 29 MAY, 2015

Amparo Sard uses a very unique form of physical pointillism to build an intricate pixilated image/narrative.  By perforating the sheet of paper with thousands of pinholes using techniques borrowed and modified from fresco, the result is a wonderful and subtle white on white image – literally from within and through the sheet of paper. For her new body of work, Sard has added a think black component to her all white “papers”. It is made of rubber and silica. Amparo Sard stated in 2006 that her papers, obsessively pierced with pins, could be regarded from two perspectives. On the one hand, the elements purely shown (water, the suitcase, the tube, the chair, the branch, the fly or the woman) allow everyone to make their own free interpretation, and on the other hand, there is a subliminal language that connects the search of beauty with that which is sinister.  She pursues the double, the mirror, the other side, and the mystery of everyday actions as parallel realities that never mix. In this work, we have two realities, the one represented by the voids created perforating the white paper, and the other reality, the one represented with black matter. There is the immateriality of the perforated drawings, juxtaposed with dark paint, give physicality to the shadows. According to Sard, “The visions of our inner self cast unexplored shadows, that despite invisibility, are essential elements of the human spirit”.

“La intensidad de su obra se basa en que trabaja con lo intangible: estados anímicos, percepciones, gestos imperceptibles de calado psicológico, abismos del ser y el alma, para pese a todo representarlos y hacernos pensar.

El universo que Amparo Sard, bello pero inquietante,  se plaga de atmósferas translúcidas atemporales, donde su aparente sosiego se sospecha cargado de amenazas. Sumergirse en ellas implica atención con objeto de percibir que es lo real-real, lo real creado o aquello que puede provenir de nuestro inconsciente. Lo doble, el espejo, el otro lado, el misterio de las acciones cotidianas están siempre presentes como en realidades paralelas que nunca llegan a mezclarse”


Nekane Aramburu